lunes, 4 de diciembre de 2023

Vocabulary Builder


Delivery date: fecha de entrega

Give a discount: Oferta/descuento

Goods: bienes

Invoice: factura

Out of stock: agotado

Payment date: fecha de pagamiento

Payments: pagos

Price: preu

Price per unit: Preu per unitat

Quality: Calidad

Quantitiy: Cantidad

Subtotal: total parcial



Account: Cuenta

Cash: Diners

Charge it: Recargar

Cheque: taló bancari

Credit card: Tarjeta de credito

Postage and handling: franqueig i manipulacio

Shipping: Enviament


All in one: todo en una

Built in: incorporat

Compact: compacte

Complicated: Complicado

Dependable: Fiable

Ergonomic: ergonomic

Flexible: flexible

High-resolution: alta resolucio

Portable: portatil

Powerful: poderos

Practical: practic

Reliable: fiable

Secure: segur

Simple: simple

Slimline: esvelta

Sturdy: robust 

Superfast: molt rapid

Top of the range: superior de la gamma

User friendly: facil d'utilitzar

Wide screen: pantalla ampla 


Accessible: accesible

Compatible: compatible

Convenient: practic

Delivery fee: quota lliurament

Place an order: realitzar una comanada

Reduction: reduccio

Shortage: escassetat

Sophisticated: sofisticat

Spare parts: peces de recanvi

Special offer: oferta especial

Specialised: especialitzat

Stocktaking: balanç

Supply chain: cadena de subministrament

Warehouse: magatzem

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Vocabulary Builder PAG 126

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