viernes, 27 de octubre de 2023

Introducing a new employee

To: IShowSpeed

From: Prime

Subject: New employee

Hello guys, 

Today we are introducing a new employee. His name is IShowSpeed, and if anyone doesn't know him, i'll take my time to write about him. First of all, IShowSpeed is one of the most famous Streamers because of the crazy things that he do in his lives. Nowadays he already have 21.000.000 Subs. Huge number, right? So we are grateful to have IShowSpeed in Prime, this is an incredible offer to us and we are not gonna waste it. KSI will oversee IShowSpeed for a week. I want you guys to talk to him and don't be shy, please. Is his first time in a collaboration, and i hope it goes well. 

Not finished Maria.

lunes, 23 de octubre de 2023

Assembling a Computer

1- First  you gotta turn off your computer.

2- Remove the side panel.

3- Insert the sound card into the slot.

4- Screw it on place.

5- Plug in the computer

6- Check if it works

lunes, 16 de octubre de 2023

Parts of a computer

Parts of a computer

DVD drive= controlador de dvd

Fan= ventiladpor

Hard drive= disc dur

heat sink=dissipador de calor

motherboard= placa base

processor (CPU)= processador

RAM chip=xip de RAM

sound card= tarjeta de so

USB port= port USB




cheap= barat

expensive= car

heavy= pesat

large= gran

light= lleuger

little= petit

loud= alt, fort

narrow= estret

quick= rapid

quiet= silencios

slow= lent

useful= Util

useless= Inutil

wide= ample


First= primer

Second= segon

third= tercer

fourth= cuart

fifth= cinque

sixth= sise


eighth= vuitè

ninth= nove

tenth= desè

Part of a computer

Cable= cable

case= caixa


front panel= panell frontal

power supply= font d'alimentacio

side panel= panell lateral

slot= ranura

socket= endoll

switch= interruptor


Attach= adjuntar

connect= conectar


disconnect= desconectar


plug in= endollar

remove= eliminar

screw= cargol

turn off= apagar

turn on= encendre


unscrew= desenroscar


 cache= memoria cau

desktop case= caixa d'escriptori

disc controller= controlador de disc

drive bay= badia d'unitat

expansion cards=targetes d'expansio

I/O adapter= adaptador d'entrada i sortida

network attached storage= emmagatzematze connectat a la xarxa

optical drive= unitat optica

tower case=cas de la torre

lunes, 9 de octubre de 2023

What are you looking for?

A: Can i help you sir?
B: Yes. I want to buy a laptop
A: What sort of laptop are you looking for?
B: I need a small, light computer. I often go on business trips.
A: What do you need to use it for?
B: I need it for Word documents and Excel
A: Do you want to use it for downloading music or films?
B: No, i dont, but i need to use the internet a lot
A: OK. I think this laptop is what you are looking for. It's light, but it's also fast.
B: How much is it?
A: It's €600. It's on special offer this week, I recommend it
B: Yes, it's exactly what i need, it's a good price. What colours does it come in?
A: Blue, black or white.
B: OK. I'd like a blue one, please.

In catalan: 

A: Et put ajudar senyor?
B: Si, vull comprar un portatil
A: Quina tipus de portatil estas buscan?
B: Necessito un portatil petit i lleuger
A: Per a que el necessites?
B: El necessito per fer documents word i Excel
A: El vols utilitzar per instalar musica o pelicules?
B: No, pero necessito utilizar molt el internet
A: OK, crec que aquest portatil es lo que estas buscan. Es lleuger i tambe rapid
B: Quan costa?
A: Són 600€. Hi ha una oferta especial aquesta setmana, el recomano. 
B: SI, es exactament el que estic buscan i te un bon preu. Quins colors inclou?
A: Blau, negre o blanc
B: Ok. Vull el blau. Si us plau.

Vocabulary Builder PAG 126

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